In our voucher system monetary vouchers can have a value that exceeds the price its sold to customers.
For instance spend $10 and get $20 dollars of value.
To do this create or edit an existing monetary product and select set options in the monetary options section.
Note - Customer entered values cannot have additional value added.
In the above example, the value perfectly matches the price, this is a normal monetary voucher, the value of the voucher matches the price it is sold for.
To add value, the value of the voucher should exceed the price.
In this new example:
You would get £20 of value when the customer spends £10
You would get £30 of value when the customer spends £20
You would get £75 of value when the customer spends £50
This is displayed to the customer as a voucher value and then a price shown.
We would recommend adding a promotional banner to your store to highlight this promotion.