Our voucher system allows you to create products which have multiple versions or variants of itself.
These variants can be anything, but here are a few common examples.
- Weekend / Midweek prices
- Variable prices on rooms, deluxe vs suite rooms etc.
- Specific dates, 08/01 or 04/02 for example.
Setting up a variant
To set up product variants follow these simple steps.
- When creating a new product, choose the third variant option.
From this point fill in the product details as normal until you get the variant section at the bottom of the page and select add variant.
When you select add variant, a new variant information tab will open up.
There are a few options to fill in to create your variant,
- Name - This is the name you want customers to see for the variant, this could be midweek / weekend, or date ranges, or the name of a room type etc.
- Price - Select the price of the variant if it is different to other versions of the product.
- Validity - This follows all the usual rules for validity, it can be period from purchase, absolute dates or single dates or no expiry.
- Add per day redemption - If you only want your product variant to be redeemed on certain days, for instance, midweek vs weekend, make sure you add your per day redemption limits.
When you have added the variants you would like they will appear in a list like this. The variants can be dragged and dropped if you wish to change the order of them.
When you are finished just save and activate. Your product will now look like this on the store page, your customers will now be able to select the variant or product upgrade they would like.