Creating a monetary gift voucher

  1. Overview
  2. Getting Started
  3. Creating a monetary gift voucher


A monetary voucher gives the recipient the freedom to choose how they enjoy their gift, allowing them to use it for any service offered by the business.

It is the most common voucher sold across businesses and we would recommend setting one up as your first product. 

To set up a monetary voucher, first go to products in the side bar. 

When creating your first product, you will be met with this page:



After you've created your first product, the page will look more like this, in both cases press the create product button to begin!



When you press the create product button you will be met with a pop up which asks you to select your product type. There are 3 types of product you can make on the enjovia system: 

  1. Standard - this is a fixed product with a fixed price. Typically for a single experience and can only be redeemed once.
  2. Monetary - A product with a monetary value that can be redeemed towards the cost of another purchase. 
  3. Variant - A product with options the customer can choose from. Each option has a different price and validity. 



Select monetary - This will then open the product page for a monetary voucher. 


Reminder: All white data fields in the middle are required and the additional options on the right hand side are optional.



The first options are the name of the product and URL, the URL will automatically generate from the name, but as always, you are able to change the URL to your requirements. 

The next two options are : 

Hide from public listing - This creates a product which will not show on the store homepage, category pages and it will prevent indexing by search engines, It will only be accessible by visiting its link directly. This type of product is typically used for corporate relationships where a business is offering special products to specific partners. It is also used for email campaigns, businesses send a specific voucher offering to their email members, which have to click the exact link within the email. 

Internal Only - This creates a product which is not available to any store to be publically listed or directly linked to, this exists solely for employees to generate through the selling terminal. This type of voucher is often used for cancellations, coupons or compensation vouchers.

Next upload your product image, our recommended minimum is 920 x 518 pixels, we recommend using higher quality images where possible.

Note: if the image file size is too big , we recommend using an image resizer tool which can be found online for free.


Additional Options: 

Scheduled activation and deactivation date - These allow you to turn a product on and off at pre determined dates and times, this means the voucher will appear on the store and in categories when turned on and will be taken off the store fully when deactivated. 

Search engine listing - This is the title and description that will appear on the product when it appears on search engines. Many of our customers skip this important step, we highly recommend filling this out with your specific search engine keyword terms. 

Categories - You can assign a product to a category, which gives customers the ability to sort by a specific category and makes for a easier buying process, we would highly recommend using categories if you sell over 10 products. Learn how to set up categories here.


Note: a product can exist in no categories and in multiple categories. 



The next sections are : 

Redeem locations - If your business has a single redeem location, all products will automatically be assigned to that single redeem location, if you run multiple redeem locations, you can add the appropriate redeem locations here. 

Description - This is the full product description that will appear undernear the product image when the product is clicked from the homepage as shown below.

Enhancements - You can add enhancements to specific products, this gives you the opportunity to upsell at point of sale, for instance you can add a bottle of champagne to an overnight stay, or add additional time to a massage. Learn more about enhancements here.

Tags - Tags are used to add additional data fields on products for third party software, through API connections. This will allow certain products to be redeemed in booking systems.



There are three further settings which are optional. 

1 . Add a title description - This displays additional text in listings to help customers find the right product. it provides a brief description on the homepage of the product as shown below. 



2. Email Description - This gives you an option to add additional text in voucher emails to help recipients understand what they have received. 

3. Terms and Conditions - Finally you can add terms and conditions to each voucher. For a monetary voucher we would recommend, at bare minimum: 

This voucher cannot be exchanged for cash. No change may be given. 


The final steps are to add your tax percentage, in almost every country enjovia operate in, this should be set to 0 as a monetary voucher is legal tender and should be taxed on the product or service purchased at redemption. 


You have two options when making a monetary voucher. 

  1. Customer entered - This is an open data field that allows customers to enter any value they want.
  2. Set options - Allows you to predefine monetary values for your customers to choose from, i.e. 10, 20, 30, 30. For normal monetary vouchers make sure the value and the price are the same. 
Monetary value not being the same as price is often used for monetary gift card promotions, i.e. spend $30 and get $40 of value. 


Then you have your validity options, there are a few options here: 

  1. Period from purchase - this is the normal expected voucher validity, its valid from the time of purchase and expires after a set period, typically 6-24 months.
  2. Absolute dates - Voucher is only valid from a set date until another set date. i.e. 1st March to 31st of March
  3. Day of Purchase - Voucher is valid only on day of purchase or creation, this is typically used for event coupons
  4. No Expiry - Voucher does not expire ever. 

You can also add per day redemption, which sets limits on redemption of the product on certain days of the week, i.e. This voucher can only be used Friday - Sunday. This would not typically be used on a monetary voucher. 



Finally when you've created your product. Save as draft to store all the information without making the product live or Save and activate to get the product live and immediately available for purchase. 


🥳 Congratulations on making your first monetary voucher on Enjovia! 🥳

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