

The billing page offers you a quick summary of a few important details regarding your subscription, billing and invoices. 


This section can be found in the settings and then at the bottom in the billing section. 

The first section covers the following: 

  1. Your Enjovia subscription plan. 
  2. Your invoice frequency 
  3. The currency you are billed in
  4. Your monthly subscription fee
  5. Your transaction fee
  6. Any discounts you may currently have on billing.
If you wish or would like to upgrade or downgrade you current plan, please get in contact with us at 



The next section gives the opportunity to change the billing email and business information which will be shown on your invoices. 



Pressing edit will take you to this page, where you can add a few important bits of information to your invoices: 

  1. Email - what email do you want these invoices to be sent to. 
  2. Your business name - what is the organisation which will manage billing. 
  3. Address - This is specifically the billing address for the business.
  4. Tax descriptor - This is the name of the sales tax which can be added to invoice in your country, for instance GST or VAT.
  5. Tax identifier - This would be the government issue Sales tax number assigned to your business. 



The final section in the billing section is a history of all of your past invoices, which can be viewed and downloaded. 


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