General Settings


To locate general settings first navigate to the settings tab on the left hand home menu, then go to to the top option general. 

General settings are a number of settings which apply across the entire store, typically these are done when you set up and don't have to be revisted very often. In this help article, we are going to run through all the settings. 


The first settings are: 

  • Account Name - You can name the overall account, for single store customers, this step may not be very important but for businesses running multiple stores, the account name should represent the umbrella business. 
  • Sign in URL - you can set the URL for the direct sign in to the account itself. 
  • Multiple Stores - To create multiple stores under one account, you must first enable this option, this will make a number of changes across the system to facilitate multiple stores.



The next options are: 

  • Currency - here you can set the default store currency and enable multiple currencies across the store, this option will allow you to set a currency on each product, enhancement and store to use a different currency. This feature is designed for larger multinational customers and should not be switched on unless you operate across multiple countries and currencies. 
  • Timezone - Set your local timezone, this is mainly used when scheduling catalogue changes and determining voucher validity and expiry. 


  • Default validity - You can set a default validity option for the entire store, using the 3 default validity options:
  1. Period from purchase - This is your normal gift voucher setting and creates a voucher validity from the time of purchase, which will expire at the time set by you, typically 6-24 months. 
  2. Day of Purchase - Voucher is valid only on the day of purchase. 
  3. No expiry - This is used in countries or states like california where vouchers cannot legally expire

You can also set default settings across the entire store for days of the week the voucher is valid, we would only advise using this feature if your business only opens on certain days of the week. 



The next options are : 

  • Default Tax Percentage - This is typically the sales tax of your local country or state on products or services.
  • Default Monetary Product Validity - Just as you can set the validity for products or services you can set a default for monetary product validity. Enjovia operate in some countries where validity rules for products and services are different to monetary vouchers, this is because monetary gift cards are legal tender and often can't expire. 
  • Default monetary product tax percentage - We would highly recommend this is set to zero, monetary gift cards should have a zero tax rate, as they will be double taxed when they use the gift card / voucher to pay for goods and services from your business. 



The final option is around Data retention

This allows you to set data rention periods to comply with local data protection laws. 

Enjovia work in many countries and areas like the EU which have strict data rules like GDPR, these rules state that you can only hold onto customer data for a period after any sale.

 If you operate in a country without these data protection laws, ensure the setting is set to forever or you will lose customer data

Select the period appropriate for your business using the drop down menu, this will dictate how long buyer and recipient personal information is stored after all vouchers in an order have expired (we need to keep all customer information before this point to successfully redeem!) 

If the voucher is set to never expire, we will need to hold onto customer data indefinitely. 


Note: some buyer information is always retained for financial legal purposes. 


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